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Utilize Live Tweeting, Social Selling and These Other Community Tips

Utilizing Live Tweeting, Social Selling and Other Community Tips:

Social media has had a huge impact on the way businesses communicate with their customers, from live tweeting at events to using Facebook and LinkedIn for sales purposes.
The small business community shares tips relating to social media and more. Read on for the full list in this week’s Small Business Trends Community News and Information Roundup.

Amplify Your Next Event with Live Tweeting

Social media has had a huge impact on the way events are marketed and even attended. Live tweeting is one method that can help you reach a wider audience and get them involved with your events. Shannon Wurthman includes some ways you can use live tweeting to enhance your next event.

Put the Social into Selling

Social selling is one of the most popular new methods in the world of sales. But there are plenty of different ways for businesses to put social selling into action. To find the methods that are right for you, take a look at this post by Brian OConnell. And see what BizSugar members have to say.

Don’t Buy into These Social Media Myths

For years now, businesses and industry experts have been touting the importance of social media. But some small business owners still refuse to buy into it. Shannon Huppin debunks a few common myths surrounding social media marketing. And BizSugar members discuss the post further.

Don’t Let Negative SEO Kill Your Website

Just as some factors can have a positive effect on your SEO rankings, others can do the exact opposite. There are some common SEO factors that could be having a negative impact on your website without you even realizing. Marleen Anderson shares some of them here.

Consider a VoIP System for Your Business

Choosing a communication system may be one of the most crucial decisions you make as a business owner. There are plenty of unique benefits of choosing a VoIP service over landlines and other communication methods, as Jason Rueger outlines.

Use These Important eCommerce Success Metrics

The success of any eCommerce site depends on a variety of different factors. But some metrics can more effectively measure success than others. Ashar Samdani shares some of the most important eCommerce success metrics. And BizSugar members also share their thoughts.

Learn to Communicate with Clients Effectively

Whether you work in PR or another client-facing field, you’ll need to know how to best deal with pretty much every potential situation that a client can bring up. While there’s no way to know every situation that will come up, Mercy Chikowore includes some that might impact PR pros and others alike.

Use These Best Practices for Instagram Marketing

Instagram can be a powerful marketing tool for certain types of businesses. But successful Instagram marketing means more than just posting a photo every now and again. Emma Koitola shares some best practices you can use to boost your Instagram marketing efforts.

Understand the Impact of Semantic SEO

The way Google ranks various pages has changed so much over the years. Now, for a company to really improve its ranking, it needs to actually improve things like the user experience of its website. Rick Eliason explains more about semantic SEO and what that means for your business. The BizSugar community also share thoughts on the post.

Go Beyond Just Seeming Sustainable

With so many businesses trying to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers, it can be difficult for companies to stand out. To do so, you have to build practices that are actually sustainable, rather than just trying to seem like it. Ivan Widjaya shares some methods for doing so.

You can help improve future community roundup posts by suggesting your favorite small business content. Just send posts to dannitrev@gmail.com or submit them to the BizSugar community.
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