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The Business Of The 21st Century - By Robert Kiyosaki

Book Review
I’m a big fan of Robert Kiyosaki. I recently read his book “The Business of the 21st Century” and I absolutely loved it. This book is really designed to share with prospects to educate them about the power network marketing. It’s quick, easy to read, and filled with great content. Overall, I give it an 8.5 of 10. If you haven’t read it yet you should.
What I want to do in the rest of this blog post is share some of my favorite quotes from the book. Each quote is in bold. After each quote I will also share my own two cents on the topic. Enjoy.

# 1 Your job is not going to take care of you. In today’s world there is no such thing as job security, even if you work for a big corporation or the government.
# 2 When times are bad is when the real entrepreneurs emerge. Many new businesses are formed when the economy is bad. One person’s adversity is another person’s opportunity.
# 3 The S quadrant is typically a trap. As a self-employed person, you are still trading hours for dollars and don’t have leverage. You basically own your own job.
# 4 When you’re talking to someone who values having a job, it is difficult to explain why you might not want a job. Most people have the employee mindset and have no desire to be their own boss.
# 5 A college education is important for traditional professions, but not for people looking to build wealth. If you want to be a doctor, lawyer or accountant, you need to go to college. But if you want to be an entrepreneur it isn’t required.
# 6 People who work for income work harder and harder, only to be taxed more and more. The more you make the more the government takes, and at a higher rate. Employees have no tax incentives either.
# 7  In the course of starting a new business – and I’m talking about a successful business – you can easily go five to ten years without getting a paycheck. Most successful businesses in the real world take a few years just to make their first dollar of profit. That’s why you need substantial savings before going full time, or you should start your business part-time, while you keep your job.
# 8 While personal success is fulfilling, it’s much more fulfilling when you can help many others create their own success as well. Life is about helping others.
# 9 The single most powerful form of promotion in the world is personal word-of-mouth. Nothing will ever beat word of mouth advertising.
# 10 The reason people want to know how much they can earn per month is that they are thinking in terms of living in the E quadrant or the S quadrant. Employees focus on making more money. Entrepreneurs focus on building an asset that makes money.
# 11  If it doesn’t make you money, it’s not an asset, it’s a liability. Anything that takes your money is a liability.
# 12 When you build a business, you are building an asset. The purpose of building a business is to build something that you can sell one day for a profit, or retire from and still earn residual income.
# 13 In network marketing, instead of earning income, you build an asset – your business – and the asset generates income. This is where most people get confused. Your goal is to build your network, which can pay you for many years to come, not just today.
# 14 The biggest popular misconception about network marketing is that it’s a selling business. This business is about team building, leadership and sharing, not selling.
# 15 In network marketing, the whole point is not to sell a product, but to build a network. The real money comes from building a big network of customers and distributors.
# 16 Network marketing is not about earning more income; it’s about building an asset. Enough said.
# 17 The No. 1 value you get from the experience is a real-world business education. MLM is the best business school that I know of.
# 18 You don’t really have freedom until you have financial freedom. Until you have enough residual income coming in that pays for your living expenses each month, and more, you will never be totally free.
# 19 Many people spend their lives hanging out and networking with people who hold them back financially. Take advice from people who have what you want and avoid the haters.
# 20 According to the Direct Selling Association (DSA), a significant number of people who join network marketing companies and stick with them rank the social network they belong to as an even higher priority than the income they earn. Most people simply want to belong to something bigger than themselves.
# 21 The power is not in the product; the power is in the network. Your product is important, but your network is even more important.
# 22 The richest people in the world build networks. Everyone else looks for work. Once you own a network, you can make money on demand.
# 23 It is not a business for those gifted in sales. This is a business for leaders and teachers.
# 24 Network marketing is about sharing information and personal stories, and not about hard selling. Use the products. Develop a product story. Share your story with others. Facts tell, but stories sell.
# 25 In network marketing, you are the messenger, not the message. Use third party tools to grow your business.
# 26 Being on the front lines means not caring about whether or not you are liked. Of course, we all want to be liked – but to be a great leader, you have to set boundaries, monitor the behavior of your staff, and take corrective action when necessary. Leaders have to set the example, do the right thing, and not worry about what everyone else is doing or thinking.
# 27 Wealth is not the same thing as money. Wealth is not measured by the size of income. Wealth is measured in time. True wealth is determined by the number of months you can live, and sustain your current standard of living, without going to work.
# 28 Getting a business off the ground typically takes about five years. Rome wasn’t built in a day. You won’t achieve overnight success.
# 29 Don’t try to use your business as an income source to live on. Be smart about how you spend your bonus check.
# 30 Keep your day job. You need a job to keep the financial pressure off your back while you are building your business.
# 31 If you suck all the income out of your new business to burn on monthly living expenses, then you’re not building a business; you’re just building yourself another job. One of my best pieces of advice is to get a job, or keep your day job, during your first few years in your network marketing businesses.
# 32 A true business owner never stops investing and reinvesting to build the business. Your business is like a small baby. You need to nurture it, spend time with it, and love on it until it grows and takes on a life of its own.
# 33 Network marketing is, at its core, a relationship business. It’s not a business that revolves around making sales; it is a business that revolves around making connections. This is the ultimate people business.
# 34 I think party plan businesses – a type of network marketing business that revolves around in-home parties – are ideal for so many women looking to start their own business. If you enjoy selling in small groups, you should really consider the party plan business.
# 35 You have to go out there and make things happen. You can’t think your way to success.
# 36 The most lucrative and viable network marketing opportunities will not expect you to reinvent the wheel. Find a simple system that works and follow it, until you can find or develop a better way.
# 37  “Great salesman” types cannot duplicate themselves. The good recruiters typically can’t teach their team how to do the same thing. It’s the teachers that do the best in our industry.
# 38  If getting rich were easy, everybody would be rich. Achieving success at anything in life takes time, money, effort and skill.
# 39  It is people in the E and the S quadrants who are most often sucked into the get-rich-quick schemes and scams of life. There is no such thing as get rich quick.
# 40  It takes time to build great companies and great business leaders. This business, just like any other business, will take you several years to get off the ground.
# 41 Most people want money but are unwilling to invest their time. This is not a business for dreamers. Everyone wants to be successful, but few people are willing to put in the required work.
# 42 Ten thousand hours: Do the math. If you work eight hours a day, five days a week, you hit the 10,000 hour mark after five years of full-time effort. It takes 10,000 hours to become an expert at something.
# 43 Losing is a part of the process of winning. You will need to fail your way to success. Success is never a straight line.
# 44 You can plan all you want, study all you want, and learn all you want, but the only people who win in network marketing are people who take action – today, tomorrow, and every day. Until you roll up your sleeves and do the work, nothing will happen in your business.
About the Book:
“The Business of the 21st Century” by Robert Kiyosaki was published in February 2012 by Manjul Publishing House. It comes in softcover format and has 134 pages. The ISBN is 978-8183222600. As of August 2015 it has 246 reviews on Amazon with an average 4.2 star rating.
About Robert Kiyosaki
Robert Kiyosaki is a well respected author, trainer, consultant and business coach. He is the author of many selling books to include “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” and “The Cashflow Quadrant".
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