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"There's gold everywhere." I could remember the day one of my mentors told me that there's gold everywhere. Yes, there's gold everywhere, but why is it that so many people do say that 'there are not enough resources. The economy is bad. No one is making it anymore?' Well, to me, these are the cries of those blind to the universe's abundance.

"Don't be like one of them!" My mentor said as he continues. "It is not that there's no abundance everywhere but our people are lazy and selfish, there's no giant called unemployment but there's a giant called selfishness and laziness." He concluded.

After my first degree program, I was able to start an International business with the little bucks that I was able to save. Not quite a month after i started the business, i made some quite few dollars but it was just too small because my expectations was high...Why you may want to ask! The simple truth is because of the mindset of abundance already ingrained inside of me. All those who have won major life victories have found that all the resources needed to win are within, and that most knowledge needed to succeed is acquired after action.

Have I gotten to the pinnacle of my dreams? No, I haven't but I am on the path to it and I don't want to be there alone, more reason for this post so that we can all be there as a family bounded with success and I hope you'd walk the way cos there's no short cut to success but there are ways to thread and steps to take. Chief M. K. O. Abiola once said that 'before you can climb the ladder to the top, you must first recognize that there's a ladder to be climbed. A lot of people do not even recognize that there's a ladder'

I already know that there's abundance out there but it now depends on me to go out and make things happen. This is where the lazy and selfish people are missing it. The selfish people, though they may know that there's gold everywhere but they won't let other people aware, they will want to accrue all the resources alone but success doesn't work in that way, there's no solo game of success.
And the lazy ones, this is the most deadly. Even, if the lazy people are aware of the abundance out there, they will never act on it. They will always have a reason things will never work out.

'We do not need more time, we need a stronger reason to act so that we use time more effectively. Even, we do not need to await more resources, we need to act and we will find abundance comes to us. We do not need to wait for perfect conditions, we will find perfection in progress. We do not need to ask in order to receive, we need to give in order to receive, for in giving we are given to.'
These truth form the mind of readiness and abundance that's needed to advance one's life. My friend, cross your mind, be determined, say no to laziness and selfishness and say bye bye to the mindset driven by scarcity because truly, there's gold everywhere.

The successes of this world are often people who started from scratch. Although they had limited resources, they started anyway. 
They built businesses and careers not because they were lucky, but because they believed that everything they needed to succeed would ultimately intersect with their actions. 
They believe in abundance.
They knew that moving forward meant attracting attention, reward and investment. 
There's gold everywhere, there's no giant called 'unemployment but there's a giant called 'laziness and selfishness.'

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God Bless your Dreams...

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