How Thought-Leadership Content Can Help Your Company Attract Funding...

Here are some tactics you can use to build the type of professional brand that’s attractive to investors and clients:
1. Talk about business-building tactics.
Create and publish articles that showcase your unique approach to running a company. Publishing on the process of building your business demonstrates your process of overcoming challenges and problems, which is possibly the most important thing to any investor. Investors need to know their money is going to someone who knows how to lead a business, keeps the finances in order and makes wise decisions.
2. Show your niche industry expertise.
In addition to a general ability to lead and grow a business, investors need to know you’re the right person to do that in your industry. What makes you uniquely qualified to scale a company in your industry? Are you applying a new way of thinking to old problems? In the end, what makes you different from the next company in trying to solve those problems? Share your stories, ideas and general thoughts about the challenges you’re solving on your company blog and in relevant industry publications.
3. Establish influence among your key audiences.
A young company that has an engaged following of key customers has an advantage over one that key customers haven’t heard of yet. Building your brand as an influencer in your industry is an investment that will go a long way toward bringing opportunities to your business.
4. Develop discoverability and distribution strategies.
If you’re investing in your executive brand, make sure your efforts are discoverable. Share your published articles and blog posts on Medium, LinkedIn and social networks, and send relevant pieces to peers and investors to maximize potential opportunities. You want to make it easy for someone who’s researching you to find out how valuable you really are. For more tips on how to leverage your content, check out our content maximization checklist.
Executive branding serves as a powerful tool for attracting investors. Executives who have a strong body of published work can point to it as a resource for potential investors who like to see initiative and momentum before they come aboard. Thought-leadership content helps prove that a company has a strong leader and serious earning potential.
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