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6 Simple and Effective Ways to get Twitter Followers Free

6 Simple and Effective Ways to get Twitter Followers Free


I am going to show you 6 simple and effective ways to get twitter followers free without paying a dime. The process may take time but it will gradually build up to a follower-ship that your business needs. . .These are real followers that you can engage with. They wouldn’t vanish after a while.

How effective is twitter for business? The answer is obvious–very much. Many businesses online are using this medium to engage with their customers, offer support for products,  seek feedbacks and ideas for new inventions.

The benefits of twitter are many.
But then, how can you get people to follow you when you are new on the platform?
Yes, that could be a challenge when you see so many people with thousands of followers and you barely have any. But believe me, as the saying goes “Rome was not built in a day”, these people with much followers did not come up that number all of a sudden. They started from somewhere.

Here are 6 ways to get twitter followers free
Are you ready?

Tip #1:  Follow a lot of good and interesting people on twitter.

Find good and interesting people on twitter and follow them, in that way you will not only keep yourself abreast with the happenings in your line of interest but also be able to engage with them.
When you follow someone, there are chances that the person you are following may follow you back. That’s the catch.
And remember, “one good follow deserve another”‘.

Tip #2:  Don’t leave your profile picture blank.

Sometimes we know a good book by its cover. That’s a basic truth. As soon as you sign up for your twitter account update a profile image that is suitable for your brand. Don’t leave the profile image blank. It makes it easier for people to know who they are following or the person who is following them.

Tip #3: Write a simple and clear bio of yourself or what you do.

That’s your first impression! Tell people about yourself and what you do, in that way they would know if you are the right person they should follow. Be brief and make it interesting. Don’t lie.

Tip #4: Reply, share, or re-tweet the tweets of others.

One good re-tweet deserves a good follow. That’s a phrase I coined today. When you re-tweet other people’s tweets that interests you, they like it. Some people may want to engage with you by following you. Don’t tweet your ideas alone. Share and tweet other people’s works too.

Tip #5: Don’t spam your followers with tweets on autopilot.

As a blogger, there some plugins that help you tweet old posts on your site. These are good tools to keep your followers engaged with tweets coming from you while you focus on other things. But use these tools wisely. Don’t populate their twitter feeds with your same old boring tweets over and over again. That can get quite annoying.  A little spam is a lot of spam.

Tip #6: When you ask others to follow you, be polite even when they don’t follow you.

That is basic courtesy. No one likes it when ignored. I know that. But face it, it is not all requests that you make that would be honored. So, do not blow yourself up if your request is not honored. Look for other people  and they would follow you.


In summary, you can get all the twitter followers in the world, but if your tweets has no substance your followers would leave you one after another.
Tweet sensibly…

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